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There isn't conclusive scientific evidence that Cobra birey make you last longer, but some studies suggest it might.In vitro studies have shown that sildenafil is selective for phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE5) . Its effect is more potent on PDE5 than on other known phosphodiesterases . In particular, there is a 10-times selectivity over PDE6 which is inv

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Hem erkeklerde hem de han?mlarda tensel haz ve iste?i artt?rmak üzere kullan?lan jel k?vaml? bir ili?ik g?da ürünüdür. Hiçbir yüz tesiri ve pert? bulunmayan, tüketimi oldukça basit olan bu munzam g?da yard?m?yla cinsî dirim çok daha aktif ve haz mahmul bir hal almaya ba?lar. Özellikle bile tekdüze ve tetik yararlanma sonucunda tensel y

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